Technologies we Used

Suresh Tech Labs - render value-added training, and consulting services for the research scholars with International standard. It is a self-financed research and development base that aims at enhancing the research ideas and their implications. It aims at ensuring and promulgating socio-responsible research and development, accomplished by the researchers of diverse fields. Importantly, Suresh Tech Labs support the paper publication in SCI-indexed journals recognized by all the universities.


Research papers can be performed by novel technologies to overcome and determine the solution for an existing problem. Technologies are developed and improved day by day with the help of much software. Generally, an objective of the research paper consists of various technologies which are given below;

                     Artificial Intelligence                              Deep Learning                    Evolutionary Computers

                Hadoop and Map Reduce Frame work          Machine Learning                Natural Language Processing 

                                                        Soft Computing                            Tensorflow and Keras

                             NS2/NS3                         JAVA                                     MatLab                         Python


NS2 is an open-source event-driven simulator which is specially designed for the research in computer communication networks. A NS2 feature is a discrete event simulator for networking research and it provides the substantial support to simulate bunch of protocols like TCP, DSR, UDP, https, and FTP.


MATLAB is an environment of the multi-paradigm numerical computing and programming language developed by mathWorks. MATLAB permits the matrix manipulations, algorithm implementation, creation of user interfaces, plotting of functions and data, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.


Java is one of the widely used programming languages. A platform is an environment that assists to develop and run the written programs in any programming language. This is fast, reliable and secure. It is applied from desktop to web applications, phones to the Internet, supercomputers to gaming consoles.


Python is a popular programming language. It was developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax permits the programmers to express their concepts in few lines of code. It is used for web development, software development, and system scripting. It can connect to the database systems and big data.